Thursday, February 4, 2010

Super Powers

If i could have any super power it would have to be time control. With my time control abilities i could do so much, i could stop time when good opportunities arise such as when im in a bank and the vault door is left open. also time powers would be usefull in bad situations like when being bullied or in a car accident, i could just walk away from the situation while time is stopped. Also i could speed up time and find the cure for cancer in the future and bring it back to the present also i could go back in time to remember moments or just completely relive my life. In conclusion i don't know how my super power could really benifit the world other than me except to find out benificial knowledge from the future and bring it back to the present.

1 comment:

  1. These ideas are fine, but please proofread your work. Your "I's" need to be capitalized for starters. Thanks.
