Thursday, May 27, 2010


what we perceive is influenced by our society around us. That's why no one is the same because their world has affected them differently. and everyone sees things differently because their mind has evolved to what it thinks is important. the issue of racism is most likely created by societies impact on how some see. i have always had the idea that other people see different than me. especially colors, for example how i see red might look blue to someone else but they have grown up labeling it red so to them its how they perceive red. in conclusion people in the future may have a better sight to what is real.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


dreams take us on journeys. dreams allow our minds to wander and relax from hard thinking all day. some times our minds wander on things we may not want to, in this case dreams are bad and quit possibly terrifying. Also dreams can be good and lead us on epic fantasies that just aren't possible to think about while conscious. in conclusion dreams are the purest forms of our imagination.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

novel entry

"The snowmobile was almost on them. Linc fumbled in his over sized mittens to flick off the safety,and when he realized he wouldn't have time he lurched to his feet and swung the rifle like a baseball bat. the gun hit the driver in the neck, and the kinetic energy of his forward motion coming against Lincs tremendous strength ripped him off the back of the machine and sent him sprawling across the ice. P216"

This passage shows Lincs strength which few men posses, I can relate to this because i pursue and hope to one day to have this strength. Right now i am working out 5-6 days a week and i know i will some day reach my goals.